We can’t believe it’s July already… June has passed us by so quickly and we are now in high summer mode - whatever that means when you throw in a good dose of unpredictable Irish weather. And on top of our usual juggling routines, we are also juggling young teenagers at home for the summer & Seamus, a new Irish wolfhound puppy. Give us a wave if you spot us on the beach chasing a galloping puppy who definitely does not think he's a dog!

Thank you to all our lovely new subscribers. We have had a fun filled June, that’s for sure. We enjoyed lots of sunshine and by god did we make use of al fresco living, making good use of picnic baskets by the beach and drinking out of lovely wine glasses at home.
We started our summer sale last week. This means you get 20% off everything we have online. So many great bargains here, make sure you have a look and stock up on summer living essentials, (glassware, throws, travel size candles) along with lots of perfect gift ideas for your bestie.
Here are our Top 3 sale picks:
Enjoy our summer sale and we look forward to sharing some new products and ranges with you very soon!